April 9, 2013

Pens done

The concrete work inside the barn is finished.

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So, we now have the interior pens finished. They are between 3 and 4 1/2 feet tall with another few feet of wire on top of that on most walls. There’s a feed storage room, a pen for goats, one for pigs, and two for poultry.

We have also started work on the feeders and the corrals outside.

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We’ll be taking a break for 2 or 3 weeks while we tend to some other business, but then we’ll have to make gates, finish feeders and corrals, do the rabbit area and the rest of the walls (which will be metal for the most part). Not to mention the pasture. Lots to go, but getting there, and it’s looking awesome.

The boys really love it. They crawl around each pen, pretending to be the various animal. They (well Leo) also helped work. He would get rocks for us to put in the concrete and helped tidy up.

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