July 15, 2012

Professor Tour

Yesterday, a group of 20 odd university professors came for a tour of our place and off-grid systems.

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We often have people come to our place to look at some of the systems we employ here. Over the past year or so, those groups have been increasingly made up of teachers and professors.

Yesterday was our largest group to date, and luckily they had called us a couple of weeks in advance to organise it. We’re used to off-the-cuff tours, but with 20 people that would have been hard.

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Abe took the majority of the group, while individuals would break off to come and talk to Nico and I. Leo would walk up to one person at a time and drag them off for his own personal tour, showing them things he deemed of greatest significance, like the oak trees, wild mushrooms growing on logs, seedlings coming up, etc.

I think the thing that was most popular was the rain catchment and cisterns that we build. Although lots of other things grabbed a little limelight too.

We don’t usually like crowds, and the view of 7 cars coming up our road was kind of scary. However, the group was super cool and we all had a really nice afternoon.

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