February 9, 2014

RMH Howto

We finally got around to making a howto on our Rocket Mass Heater.

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We made this RMH in the fall of 2012, so we’ve now had two winters with it and we wanted to share our impressions.

To sum up, it has worked fantastically and we love it. We can light a fire on a chilly evening for a couple of hours, and the thermal mass is still hot in the morning. What’s more, the stove pipe goes from the living room, up into the boys’ room through a heat exchanger that we made a while back. So for the whole night, without having anyone feeding a fire, the boys’ room is gently heated and remains cozy.
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Now that the prototype is well and truly tested, we decided to make a howto. We have also entered it into an Instructables Makerlympics Contest, so if you have the time, please go and vote for us. If you have any questions, you can leave a comment on the Instructables page listed below.

Rocket Mass Heater on Instructables.

Rocket Mass Heater on our site.

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