July 15, 2012

Planting again

Right before the 2" rain on Wednesday, we planted a bunch of seeds in the garden, and now they've all come up.

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We usually wait until the rains have started before we plant the big garden. We happened to time it this year right before a big soaker, and it has paid off. Everywhere you look, there’s little squash, cucumbers, sunflowers, amarynth, jicama, etc. pushing up through the soil.

We’ve now had a couple of days without rain, so Abe and the boys watered the seedlings with water that was caught in buckets and tubs that were out in the rain. We like to get rid of all this accidental catchment, so that mosquitos don’t get a chance to breed.

Leo would happily water them all day, every day, but we are leading him towards a more conservative approach.

Once we build a tank especially for irrigation, which we hope to do this year, we will be able to keep the garden going year round. Little by little.

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