April 21, 2014

Easter trip

Right after Leo's birthday, we went to see the Connally grandparents for a week.

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As always, we all had a great time.

The highlights for the kids (besides the extra attention and birthday gifts) were bikes and baseball.

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Our property is a pretty bad place to learn bike-riding. It’s a rocky hill with very little in the way of smooth, level ground. While this has helped the kids grow very strong, steady legs (as they learned to walk and run, usually barefoot, on this ground), they lack in bike riding practice. So when we got to Jim and Vickie’s, the kids were delighted to see their old trike AND a bigger bike with training wheels for Leo. They each spent a bunch of time riding around the porch and parking area (all very smooth and level).


One of the new toys the boys acquired was a baseball and bat, from Abe’s eldest sister, Shawn. It was a huge hit (haha). The kids at kindergarten have just started to pick up a baseball bat, so it was a very timely gift. Leo spent as much time as he could throwing and hitting the ball, with Augie, Abe, Vickie… in fact anyone that he could coerce into playing. And Nicky was the faithful fielder, running to grab the ball wherever it was hit. He even managed to hit the ball a few times as well.

And on top of all of that, there was also Easter/birthday cake, egg painting, candy baskets. Needless to say, we’ve all been pretty exhausted since getting home.

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