February 20, 2014

Fur Handbag

I made myself a little present this weekend, and it turned out absolutely beautiful.

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I have never been much of a handbag person. However, life as a mother has changed certain aspects of my life. I no longer like to leave the house without a few things I might need. Money and phone are no-brainers, in case something happens to the truck. I need keys to open the gate to a property I drive through to get to the village. A camera is often on the list. The Nexus 7 is a useful addition, in case I need to keep Nicky entertained while I talk to someone, or in case someone asks about something we do (I keep all our how-tos and photos on the tablet, as people often approach me for information and it helps to have it handy). Plus there’s the essential diaper wipes and a change of clothes for Nicky. Although he’s been out of diapers for a long time now, he still has the tendency to do things like roll around in a muddy puddle or play in the water fountain at Leo’s Kindergarten, so it pays to be prepared.

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Anyway, I decided it was time to make myself a custom bag. It has padded pockets for the more fragile items (tablet, phone and camera), a built-in wallet (with notes, coins and card compartments), elastic to hold things like a pen and limp balm, a hemp key chain I made a while back. And the most important thing – the exterior consists of our own tanned rabbit furs, while the strap and base are made out of a leather a local cowman makes. It is exquisite. I find myself spending more time than I should petting my bag!

It could probably have been a little bigger. When I was figuring out all the sizes, I forgot to take into account the space that would be lost through the padding of the pocket in the center and on one side. It seems like I learn something new on every thing I do. But still, it works great as is and I’m very happy with it.

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