June 9, 2014

Painting Kindergarten

The moms have been getting together to paint Leo's school.

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We have been so incredibly busy recently, partly with general maintenance, gardens, animals, etc. but also with a lot of new projects. Over the next week, I’ll try and catch up with the blog, which I’ve kind of let lapse recently.

One of the ongoing chores has been some work at Leo’s school. It used to be painted brown and tan, somewhat boring and depressing for a kindergarten, so the moms have been giving it a makeover.

First, we did all the walls, inside and out, with brighter, happier colors. We then moved on to doing pictures. It’s looking so much better, and the kids really love it. Plus it’s something that will be part of the community for many years to come.

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I did the Winnie the Pooh and Piglet walls, as well as the Cookie Monster and Elmo wall. It was fun doing them and they came out pretty good.

On a related note, I finally got around to doing a howto on Leo’s 6th party, which I also entered into an Instructables competition. If you have the time, please go and vote for it. Here’s the link.

By the way, thank you for all of you who do vote for us at Instructables. I don’t always do a follow-up blog on the contests, especially when we only get a runner-up prize, but we seem to always make it through to the finalists and that’s often due to your support.

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