December 22, 2014

Town House Update

The town house is now painted and furnished.

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Over the past few months, we have been doing a lot of work to restore the old adobe house we bought by the kids’ schools.

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We re-plastered and re-stuccoed the worst of the walls, which are now almost all painted as well. We’ve put in some new plumbing and fixed some old, both in the kitchen and bathroom. We’ve added finishing details, like curtains and pictures and clocks, to make it all a little more home-like.


We have now mostly furnished the place. Some of the furniture came with it (table, chairs, bed, and small cabinet), others we got from Vickie (sofa-bed, comfy chairs, desk unit, bedside table). We also bought a fridge and washing machine, and made a shelf/sink unit for the kitchen.

All in all, it’s starting to come together. It’s a nice place to hang out and work while the kids are at school. They then usually get to have their friends over for an hour or two after school, before we head back home.

Right now, however, it is vacation time. I have to say that it is really lovely spending time, as the whole family, here at home. There is a peace and freedom here that you just can’t have when there are other houses near you! The town house will serve us well over the next few years, but it’ll never compare to our homestead on the hill.

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