Tag: liner - VelaCreations

Tag: liner - VelaCreations

Water Storage

January 14, 2015

Storing your water, whether in cisterns, ponds or in the soil, is paramount to an off-grid home.Read More

Irrigation Cistern

August 24, 2013

We’ve started work on another 7000 gallon water tank.Read More

We Won!

November 28, 2012

We have just been informed that our cistern article won the Instructables “Be Prepared” Contest!Read More

2nd Cistern

September 8, 2012

We have started work on a new 6,000 gallon water tank for the main house catchment system.Read More

Barn Tank

July 26, 2012

We have started work on our Food Web’s water supply. It consists of a 7,000 gallon rain catchment system. Here’s a summary of its construction so far.Read More